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Apply For Our Fully Guided Portrait Photography Business Start Up Service

Fully Guided Portrait Photography Business Support Service.

Interested in our fully guided portrait photography business support service to get your portrait photography business up and running with the best chance of success? You savvy, savvy business person! Signing up for guidance on what areas of business to focus on, gives you the clarity to go forward and be productive with the most important, necessary tasks first.

Structured lessons make sure you focus your effort on the processes and systems needed in the right order. This supports the foundations of your business from the beginning. Giving a snowball effect of growth in a very short space of time compared to going it alone and using the trial and error method.

Photography business lessons can be tailored for anyone but only the smartest of cookies show up for their self growth in business this way. If you appreciate the true value of the time saved by having an experienced mentor and structured support to get your photography business going, then apply to work with me 1-2-1 and we can talk about the options available.

I have space for 4 students at a time on this program. This allows be to be fully engaged with each student.

What can I teach and show you? 

As of 2024 I've had 14 years experience of running businesses, including a portrait and commercial photography business and a cleaning business. I've taught thousands of people about photography, with at least 20 serious business pros who have had continuing ongoing 1-2-1 support to set up and run their photography businesses and studios, over multiple sessions to help with websites, SEO, shooting and selling techniques, using flash, posing, using their cameras, editing images, embedding keywords, using google tools such as analytics and google my business and much more. I've helped many more people with my kick start your photography business session where we create a business plan together and I give them the information they need to start them off on their journeys from one session.

You can read my extended bio here to find out more about me and to see if you resonate with my story and like my vibe.

Successful applicants will have an introductory 1-2-1 with me, either in person or via zoom (depending on your location) in this session we will talk about your goals and come up with a plan and schedule that works around our diaries. This first talk will form the basis of your tuition with me, we will go through the answers to your application and choose how many tuition sessions we think you will need and the time and financial investment involved. 

The application page can be found here.

Once you have applied, if I am at full capacity and we are a good fit, I will add you to the waitlist so you don't miss out and will give you a free plan of things to consider in the mean time.

Your Portrait Photography Business Support Investment Info

The investment is £139 per three hour session with 1 hour recaps after each session at £45. As each applicant has different needs I will provide a personalised lesson plan with the investment total once we have discussed your application on our first 1-2-1 session. The application form has the different areas we would cover structured into 3 hour blocks, so you can roughly work out the cost if we stuck to exactly those sessions. In most cases there are additional sessions taken, decided by the learner, depending on each students experience or the amount of support they need. 

If you are a Savvy Shooter or a Big Cheese Member (Recommended if you're thinking about going pro, or are already trading) you get 10% off of all the one to one sessions we hold together. The Big Cheese Membership is just £14 a month, so the 10% off pretty much covers the cost of the membership and you get all the goodies included. Find out more about the membership here.

There is a payment plan you can use for bulk session bookings if needed, we will talk about this on your initial session too.


What to expect from our tuition sessions

From each session you will get a mixture of practical tasks, worksheets that discuss what we cover, screen recordings if we learn via zoom and homework tasks for things you need to focus on in the time between our sessions. We also have resident models we can shoot with to help build your portfolio.

If you join the big cheese membership you get additional group screen time with our power hours and edit with me sessions, pre recorded lessons and courses, a resource pool with infographics, articles, example paperwork and access to our community. You can learn to edit your photos using Lightroom Classic within the membership which would save you a whole three hour 1-2-1 session.

business of photography course testimonial

The Results

As a result of taking this business course, depending on the sessions you choose to take with me, we can get you up and running with:

A solid business plan

An in-depth marketing plan

A cash flow forecast and other financial reports

Your paperwork set up as templates ready to send with automation and workflows for each customer

A bank of responses that you can copy and paste to customer enquiries

A set of standard operating procedures to remind yourself and show new employees/contractors how things are done

A website with a good understanding of SEO techniques

Social media pages up an running

An understanding of types of content to post to social media with a plan and without doom scrolling

An understanding of google ads an facebook ads


How to delegate to others and what to delegate

Email marketing ad automations when people join your list

Lead magnates and lead integration to your website

CRM set up and management

Using canva to create marketing content in line with your visual identity

A solid understanding of your customer base and where they hang out

How to use your equipment 

How to edit efficiently and professionally

How to sell your work

and so much more!

Everything we cover will be planned and either screen recorded or written down in a worksheet to form a solid base of reference for you going forward.

If you are 100% committed to working on your business in a meaningful and dedicated way then I invite you to apply to work with me by pressing the Apply button below.

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